CDP Choline vs Alpha GPC

When comparing CDP Choline vs Alpha GPC we will address which supplement is a more effective choline source.  Choline is one of the most vital nutrients required to keep our brain and body healthy. Choline is utilized in the synthesis of cell membranes and as a precursor to acetylcholine –one of the most important neurotransmitters associated with enhancing cognitive performance and memory.

The importance of sufficient choline amounts is paramount in aging individuals when the synthesis of acetylcholine slows down (which often causes cognitive and memory function to decline drastically). Mild cases of age-related memory decline are considered normal and there is no need to worry about it. However, severe cases of memory loss can be quite devastating.

Consuming choline-rich food is the best way to supply your body with its daily choline needs. Some of the best dietary choline sources include eggs and meat. Unfortunately, these are the same foods that have been wrongfully accused of causing many other diseases. For this reason, many people are choline deficient, and only about 10% of the population get sufficient choline in their diets.

In addition to eating more choline-rich foods, the best way to meet your daily choline-needs is by taking choline supplements. Two of the most popular choline supplements with high bioavailability are Alpha GPC and CDP Choline. The two occur in the same process of choline metabolic breakdown, but they are technically different. So which one of these two should you choose?

Choline Supplements — CDP Choline vs Alpha GPC

When you take CDP choline, your body first breaks it into cytidine and Choline. The choline portion is further broken down into Phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is then used in the formation of the cell membrane in the body as well creation of more acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter responsible for cognitive function and memory formation

On the other hand, Alpha-GPC is a by-product of phosphatidylcholine. Basically, this means that it’s much closer to the form of choline used by our cells than CDP choline. When the brain needs more of acetylcholine and the choline reserve is running low, it breaks down phosphatidylcholine from the cell membranes into Alpha-GPC.

Both CDP Choline and Alpha GPC are used as nootropic supplements and their effects and benefits seem to be the same, at least according to available reviews and comparison reports. They have both shown to improve attention and focus, memory, learning, mood, as well as offer neuroprotection against toxins and harmful free radicals.

Even though there is no conclusive evidence to show that Alpha GPC is superior to CDP choline, ongoing studies have revealed that Alpha GPC is able to improve cognitive performance more than CDP choline. Additionally, many reviews and user feedbacks seem to agree that Alpha GPC is a little more potent than CDP choline. However, CDP Choline vs Alpha GPC is clearly a topic that needs more research in order effectively and conclusively determine the strong areas and weak points of each supplement.

Dosage Recommendations

Given their similarities, it’s no surprise that the two supplements have the same dosage recommendation range of between 100mg and 600mg per day, taken in 2-3 splits. If you are new to nootropics, consider starting with a lower dosage and work your way up gradually to avoid any chances of side effects.


When comparing  CDP Choline vs Alpha GPC, both supplements have shown great effectiveness in improving memory, cognitive performance, focus, concentration, and mood with no side effects or risk of addiction. They have also been used to successfully treat age-related cognitive decline and dementia in aging populations.

Given their similarities in the benefits they offer, it’s difficult to differentiate them along this line. The best way to find out what works best for you is to perform a little test of your own. Start with one for 2-3 weeks and then switch over to the other. If one works better for you, then you have your answer.

Nicole Sanders

Hi, I'm Nicole, chief editor at Nootropics Revealed. Learn more about me and my mission here.